The One Thing

Did you know that all Kidmin leaders have something in common? What do you think that might be?  Some would say Kidmin leaders have a child-like presence and child-like attributes.  In other words, they act like big kids!  This may be true of many of us but it isn't what we are referring to today.  I do believe that those child-like qualities often are God's special anointing (gift) for the work he has called them do.


Others might point to the most obvious answer to this question of commonality, and that is,  all Kidmin leaders work with kids. That would be true, but it is not what we are looking for either. What I am referring to is something that is far more important and has a much greater scope.

The one thing that all Kidmin leaders have in common is that they see the potential life-time of impact that each child has if he or she becomes a Christ follower. You will often hear them say, "I wonder who this kids is going to be for God?"  When a child comes to Christ, he or she has seventy or eighty years to have an impact in the community and in the church!  That is exciting!

The 4 -14 window tells us that most people who become Christ-followers do so between the ages of 4 and 14. So why aren't more churches and leaders focused on winning kids to Christ?  Maybe they never really considered the potential impact for their church nor for their community.  Every time a person is rescued by Jesus, their friends and families are impacted immediately.  That is never more true than when a child becomes a Christ-follower.  Children will tell everyone what has happened to them...Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches and even strangers.

jasper furniss